Keeping Yourself and Your Clients Safe from the Flu, COVID-19

Recently, there has been a rise in the number of individuals who have been infected with the COVID-19, a new type of coronavirus that causes illnesses to both humans and animals. Despite the virus originating in Wuhan, China, in December last year, the illness has now spread to different countries in a short span of time.

Even if you haven’t traveled recently to China, it’s important to know that COVID-19 spreads from person to person through small droplets from the nose or mouth which can be dispersed through the air from coughing or exhaling. 

The following are important guidelines every PSS caregiver must comply with in order to keep themselves as well as their clients protected against the COVID-19 as well as other respiratory illnesses: 

  1. Always wash your hands with soap and warm water. Wash your hands for about 20-30 seconds. If you’re outside or commuting, use alcohol or hand sanitizer to keep your hands clean. As soon as you arrive at your client’s house, the first thing that you should do is to wash your hands thoroughly. 
  2. Avoid going to places with a lot of people. If you can, try to stay at home as much as possible. Avoid events that draw huge crowds or places that many people frequent. 
  3. Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Surfaces can be contaminated by viruses and can enter the body through the eyes, nose, or mouth. 
  4. Keep a safe distance from people who are exhibiting symptoms. Maintain one meter (three feet) of distance between yourself and anyone who coughs or sneezes. 
  5. If you feel unwell, stay at home. The immunocompromised and the elderly are at greater risk of contracting respiratory illnesses, so it’s important to keep them safe and far from infected individuals as much as possible. If you’re not feeling well, call your PSS Home Care schedulers at least three (3) hours in advance of your shift to inform them of your situation and to get a replacement as soon as possible. 
  6. Practice good respiratory hygiene. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or a bent elbow when you need to cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately. Use a surgical mask to keep others protected.
  7. Seek medical attention. If you have a fever, cough, and have difficulty breathing, seek medical attention but call your doctor in advance. Follow any procedures and precautions your medical professional or the health authority will advise.

Avoid touching frequently touched surfaces in public areas. Instead of using your hand or your finger, opt to use a piece of tissue or your elbow, if possible, to touch the following:

 Elevator buttons
 Door handles
 Light switches

Maintain good habits to maintain vitality:
Eat well, exercise, and sleep well.

While you stay home, it’s important to be as healthy and as active as possible. With the guidance of your physical therapist, perform home exercises, eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible, and make sure that you get enough sleep.

Practice social distancing — not social isolation!

Despite staying at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19, it’s important for us to keep connected with our elderly loved ones. Regularly call your loved ones. Teach them how to video chat using smartphones, laptops, or tablets.

Make your loved ones feel cared for especially during these challenging times.

COVID-19 Preventive Measure for Our Elderly Loved Ones:
Constantly clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces.

Our employees are mandated to frequently clean and disinfect places and surfaces commonly touched by people, such as doorknobs, faucets, and toilet seats, among others.

To remain protected against COVID-19, seniors must maintain healthy immune systems and bodies. That’s why it’s important to keep being active while staying at home.

Seek guidance on what exercises your elderly loved ones can perform at home from physical therapists who offer telehealth or virtual consultations.

Here are some of our partner physical therapy institutions in New York and New Jersey:

Hollis PT:

Ossining PT:

PT Worx:

Stay safe and active, everyone!

Feeling unwell? Here’s What You Should Do

  1. Stay at home and call your healthcare provider.
    If your symptoms are mild, stay at home and opt for a telehealth appointment with your doctor or healthcare provider. If your symptoms are severe, call your doctor or the nearest ER or urgent care facility and describe your symptoms over the phone. For emergencies, call 911.

  2. Answer the health questions honestly and comprehensively as you could. You will be asked about your COVID-19 risks, which may include recent travel history or exposure to COVID-19 positive patients.

  3. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions. Based on the initial phone assessment, you will be informed if further evaluation is needed, and what the next steps would be. One of the following may be advised:

    – Stay home and await further instructions or recommendations

    – Report to a nearby designated medical facility for further evaluation and treatment

    – Go to a nearby ER or hospital if you have severe symptoms

Stock up on the essentials!

Ensure that your elderly loved ones have a ready stock of their medications as well as over-the-counter remedies and nutritious food. Make sure that you know which delivery services are also servicing your neighborhood.

Ask your loved one’s doctor if it’s possible to obtain a 60- or 90-day supply prescription for their medicines.

COVID-19 Preventive Measure for Our Elderly Loved Ones:
Stay at home.

By staying at home, we will help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. This means that it’s best to avoid all non-essential travels.

Keep your footwear sanitized!

The coronavirus can survive on pavement and stay on footwear for up to nine hours.

– Use only one pair of footwear for going out to work or for buying essential items.

– Make sure that you sanitize your footwear before entering your workplace.

– When you go home, sanitize your footwear and place it in a safe, high place outside your house — make sure that pets won’t be able to reach them.

COVID-19 Protective Measure for Our Elderly Loved Ones:
Go for Virtual Doctor’s Appointments

Whenever possible, choose to have your elderly loved ones consult with their doctors virtually or via web conferencing. Check if your doctor or their respective hospitals offers video visits in lieu of in-person appointments.

Aside from following stringent hygiene, handwashing, and sanitation guidelines, our home health aides and caregivers are trained to assist our clients with their technology-related needs. With the permission of our clients, our care team members can assist in setting-up video calls on our client’s devices to ensure that our clients won’t miss their doctor’s appointments.

Minimize the possibility of dispersing COVID-19 at home if you’ve been outside. Here are a few helpful tips:

  • Do not shake dirty laundry so that you won’t disperse the virus through the air.

  • Remove your outerwear such as your jacket or sweater before entering the house. Put it inside a plastic bag.

  • Wash your clothes as soon as possible. If possible, wash items using the warmest appropriate water setting. Dry your clothes completely.

  • Sanitize your footwear and leave them in a safe place outside your home.

  • Take a shower as soon as you arrive at your residence.

  • Regularly clean and sanitize your hampers, laundry baskets, and laundry machine.

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